Thanks to Bitcoin,we became familiar with blockchain, and thanks to Dogecoin,we realized that through blockchain,we can create positive impacts in the real world
this time,we should form a community to support people in need and help
each other through blockchain technology.
Wealth Distribution
A core goal of ALFA is to ensure the equitable distribution of wealth worldwide,promoting fairness and economic equality for all.
Social Justice
ALFA’s philosophy is rooted in the belief that every individual has an inherent right to a fair share of the Earth’s resources.
Economic Growth
A fair distribution of wealth can increase demand, thereby contributing to economic growth.
Social Stability
A stark inequality in wealth distribution can lead to social unrest and an increase in crime.
Poverty Reduction
Equitable wealth distribution can significantly contribute to poverty reduction and the improvement of quality of life.
Culture and Values
Global culture and values play a pivotal role in shaping people’s perspectives on wealth distribution.
We Are All One
If humans were to be compared to something in the virtual world, blockchainwould undoubtedly be the idea analogy.
A blockchain block relies entirely on its predecessors and successors- just as humans are interconnected through a shared energy source, forming a complex chain of existence. Every individual serves as a vital link in this broader human chain.
Reasons for Creating ALFA
- Currently, many individuals on Earth face extreme hardship. For some, having one full meal a day has become a distant dream.
- Countless people are homeless, with no place to call their own-not even a room to provide basic shelter.
- Many have lost hope and are entirely dependent on the kindness of others for survival.

Goals of ALFA
- A world free from child hunger
- A world where everyone has a home
- A world built on empathy, where people recognize the interconnectedness of humanity.
“Simply invest the amount you’d typically spend on a weekend getaway into ALFA, and commit to donating 20% of your personal profits to those in need.”
Human beings are parts of a single body, created from the same essence. When one part suffers, the others cannot be at ease. If you do not feel sorrow for the troubles of others, you cannot truly be called human.

I aspire to the ideals of humanity
- The commitment to allocate 20% of our profits to those in need is a binding obligation that we must uphold at all times. If there is even a 1% chance that you might forget this promise when faced with large profits, then please refrain from investing in ALFA.
“With these three key principles, we can ensure the achievement of our goals“
“A small act by one person can save a family“
Your presence here is a sign that you’re ready for something more. We hope you will take the next step.